Monday, 31 March 2014

We can measure!

This week we'll be doing lots of measuring. We've already learned how to work out how long things are, so today we split into groups and learned how to work out how heavy things are, and how much they can hold. 

We found that you need five or six cups of sand to fill a jug, lots more to fill a teapot, and even more to fill one of our trays. We also found that it takes a LOT of counting bricks to balance the scales when we tried to measure the weight of our shoes!

Watch this space for more measuring madness this week...

Do you need a lolly pop lady?

Dear miss mullane 
We do not need a lolly pop lady or traffic lights on valley rd.
And there is not a lot of traffic on valley rd.
We went outside and counted the traffic.

Do we need a lollypop person ?

Dear mrs mullane we do not need a lollypop persen becos we went outside and saw other safe things
Like speed bumps and speed sines.

Road Safety

We don't need traffic lights or lolly pop persons on valley rd because valley rd is not busy.
Ranea and Haris

Do we need a lolly pop lady

Dear mrs mullane.
We do not need traffic light.
Yes there are some things that make valley rd safe.
Speed bumps make valley rd safe.
By hamza.s  and zainab.t

Friday, 28 March 2014


We played nought and crosses.we added numbers up to 10.

Being safe the rd

20 means you have to go 20 miles .if you see a speed bump you go slow.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

How Busy is Valley Rd?

As part of our topic on how people make roads safe, we wanted to find out how busy Valley Rd is at different times of day. We went out straight after the register this morning to count the traffic. It was really quiet!

We're going to go out again at other times of day because we think it might get a lot busier.

Thanks so much to all the mums and dads who stayed to help us - we love having your help with projects like this, and it makes things much easier and safer having lots of you around.

Keep watching our blog to see what we find out next. Which time of day do YOU think will be the busiest? 

Monday, 24 March 2014

Football Academy Visitors

This morning we had some really exciting visitors. Jake and Sean from the Football Academy came to teach us some football skills. They also taught us about adjectives back in our classroom, where we had to describe different football objects. 

We had a great time and learned lots.

Thanks Jake and Sean!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Spring Shape Poems

This week we've been enjoying the sunshine and looking at some of the changes that come in Spring. We've noticed buds on some of the trees and lots of lovely daffodils around our school field.

This morning we went outside with the iPads and took lots of photographs. Then we used an app called 'Path On' to draw around the shapes of the flowers. We worked as a team to come up with interesting 'spring words' and chose some to write around our shapes to create our poems.

What do you think of them? 

What can year 1 do in 1 minute?

We can click our fingers 39 times in 1 minute.
We can hop 49 times in 1 minute.
We can balance on 1 leg for 60 seconds
We can write our names 20 times.

Monday, 17 March 2014

What can you do in one minute?

Today we learned that every minute has 60 seconds in it. We counted them on a few different clocks and stopwatches to check it was true every single time.

Then we wondered which different things we could do in one minute. Mr Ellis challenged us to try a few different activities and time one another while we did them.

We had to:
- count our hops
- count our finger clicks
- build a tower from cubes
- write numbers
- write our names

What do you think YOU could do in one minute?

Washing our hands

 Today we got a message from Mrs Edwards asking us whether we could help her by writing some instructions. She wanted us to explain to the children in Reception how to wash their hands.

We practised washing our hands in class and at the sinks. Some of us wrote down the bossy verbs we would need on our whiteboards. Then we talked about what makes instructions clear and easy to read, before we sat down and had a go at writing down our ideas.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Golden Time

Today I made a fantastic pattern during Golden Time. I really wanted to share it on our blog!

Fair Trade Maths

To celebrate Fair Trade fortnight we have been finding out about Fair Trade. One of us pretended to be from an ordinary supermarket, and the other pretended to be from a Fair Trade supermarket. We learned that different supermarkets pay farmers different amounts of money. Fair Trade supermarkets make sure that farmers get a lot more money for growing our fruit and vegetables.  

We have been practising doubling and halving this week too, so we used our skills to try and work out how much money farmers would get if the fair trade supermarket gave them half of their profits. Have a look at our amazing maths skills!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Writing Instructions

This morning we have been making jam sandwiches. We had to work with a partner and use lots of bossy verbs while we did it. Tomorrow we will turn our ideas into instructioons.
