Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Making Jam Sandwiches

We're learning how to write clear instructions in our English lessons at the moment. Today we made some jam sandwiches, thinking carefully about how we would tell someone else how to do it.

While we made our sandwiches we had to tell a partner what we were doing. We thought especially carefully about time connectives (then, next, etc) and bossy verbs. We are going to use these words to help us write down our instructions tomorrow.

When we had finished saying our instructions and making our sandwiches we enjoyed eating them. They were delicious!

Why not leave us a comment or question to ask us which bossy verbs we used, or which connectives we used to put our ideas in order?

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

We're Going on a Verb Hunt...

Today in our English lesson we learned about verbs. We watched some instructions on our whiteboard and listened hard to pick out all the 'bossy doing words'. These were the verbs!

Then, some of us looked at written instructions to find all the hidden verbs with highlighter pens. Another group went on a verb hunt. They had to try and find all the verb cards hidden around the school. When they found them they had to try and act them out (to prove they were really verbs!), bring them back to class, and use them in a sentence. 

Can you think of a sentence using each of the verbs we found?

Monday, 12 January 2015

We can follow instructions

This morning we started learning about instructions in our English lesson. Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be learning how to write clear instructions that are easy to follow.

We began today by working on an activity where we had to either give or follow some instructions to make something from Lego or Duplo, or follow a pattern using beads or threading. It was tricky unless you listened really carefully.

Look at how well these children followed their partner's instructions - we must have some fantastic listeners in Year One!

Thursday, 8 January 2015

We went to Staircase House museum

Yesterday we went to Staircase House museum. We learned what Stockport was like a long time ago. We found out that Stockport used to have a big castle but it's not there any more. We also played with some old toys, telephones, mobile phones, computers, typewriters, record players and other machines we might use around our houses. We thought about how technology has changed and made lots of jobs easier.

Thank you to the fantastic teachers from Staircase House and all the adults who came with us on our trip. We had a great day!