Friday, 31 October 2014

We know the names of parts of our bodies

As part of our animals topic last half term we thought about bodies - animal bodies and human bodies, too. We cut out labels and stuck them onto the correct body parts to show what we knew.

Have we got them all right?

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

European Day of Languages

This year, to celebrate European Day of Languages, children in Year One enjoyed finding out about the Netherlands. They sang Dutch songs, practised counting on and back to ten in Dutch, and even turned their classroom into a Dutch cafe for the morning to enjoy some hot chocolate and stroopwaffels. They tried lots of different tasty cheeses, too!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Our Trip to Pets at Home

Earlier this term we all walked to Pets at Home, a big pet shop near our school, because we were learning all about animals. We wanted to find out what different pets might need to stay healthy. We also wanted to buy some things for our class puppy, Max.

While we were there we got to meet some fluffy rabbits, some cuddly guinea pigs and a beautiful bearded dragon. We were really excited to bump into our tennis coach, Andy, who was there with his dog, Fred. Max the puppy also got to try out some different dog beds, and he had a lot of fun looking at all the toys, treats and leads.

Thank you to all the parents who gave up their morning to help us - we wouldn't have been able to go without you - and to Pets at Home for making us feel so welcome.

Autumn half term blogging catch up

Over the last half term the new boys and girls in Year One have been working really hard and settling in brilliantly. They've been taking lots of pictures to put on our blog, but we kept having technical difficulties and couldn't seem to post them for a while.

That's thankfullly all fixed now, so coming up in the next few days there'll be a few posts to show you some of the things we've been doing in class that you might've missed...

Happy half term, everyone!

Mr Ellis

Monday, 27 October 2014

Scary Monster Poems

Last week , to celebrate Halloween, we worked on some descriptive monster poems with Mr Crompton. We pretended to be scary monsters first, then drew pictures of what we might look like.

Look how many different adjectives we thought of for these monsters. Loads!

Thanks for such a fun lesson, Mr Crompton.

We hope you all have a fun Halloween later this week! 

Thursday, 23 October 2014

A police dog in our classroom

Yesterday we had more special visitors in Year One. Some police officers came to tell us about their dog, Charlotte. Charlotte is a white and brown spaniel. She kept licking her tail and lying down. She was crazy!

We enjoyed finding out about her, especially because we've been learning about animals. We knew that Charlotte was a mammal, just like humans, elephants, hedgehogs and leopards. 

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

We saw a fox on our school field

This morning, when we were doing our maths lesson, we had an exciting treat. Saskia spotted a fox just outside our classroom on the school field. We couldn't concentrate on our work so we stopped to watch it.

The fox was brown, orange and white. It was running about in the middle of some magpies. We think it was looking for food.

We learned that foxes like eating bones, birds, worms, as well as fruit and vegetables.

Here are some pictures of the fox...

Friday, 17 October 2014

I'm amazing at sounding out

This morning I wanted to find the sounds in some words. I thought about them carefully. I got them all right!

I asked Mr Ellis if I could put my work on the class blog. He said 'YES!'

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Another exciting visitor in Year One

Yesterday Mrs Simpson brought another of her amazing pets into school. This time we got to meet Garcia, her tortoise. We found out what she likes to eat, where she needs to live to stay healthy, and how long she might live for. We learned that, even though they look really different from each other, Garcia is a reptile just like Spencer the snake, who we met recently. 

We also thought about why tortoises might have hard shells to hide in, and we were very surprised to find out, as you can tell from our photos, that tortoises can move pretty fast when they want to!

Thanks, Mrs Simpson! 

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Where the Wild Things Are

This week we've been reading Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Yesterday we made flip books to re-tell the story in our own words and today we pretended to be wild things. We went crazy! We learned how to use speech bubbles and tried to imagine what the wild things and Max might be saying when they're enjoying their 'wild rumpus' in the story.

Come and let us know what you think of our ideas...

by Manjeh and Max

by Zoe and Hassan

by Iqra and Aiza

Our Special Slithering Visitor

Today we had a very special visitor in Year One. Mrs Simpson brought her snake, Spencer, into class for us to look at. Spencer is a snow corn snake and we really enjoyed finding out about the things he needs to stay healthy, safe and happy. 

We learned that snakes are reptiles who need to stay warm to stay alive. Spencer eats rats and lives in a special tank with bright lights to keep him warm. He has tiny eyes that aren't very good at seeing, but he has a very strong sense of taste and uses his tongue to get information about the world around him.

Thanks, Mrs Simpson, for bringing Spencer to meet us! We hope you like the pic collages we made on the iPads to show some of the new snake words that we learned.