Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Our Trip to Pets at Home

Earlier this term we all walked to Pets at Home, a big pet shop near our school, because we were learning all about animals. We wanted to find out what different pets might need to stay healthy. We also wanted to buy some things for our class puppy, Max.

While we were there we got to meet some fluffy rabbits, some cuddly guinea pigs and a beautiful bearded dragon. We were really excited to bump into our tennis coach, Andy, who was there with his dog, Fred. Max the puppy also got to try out some different dog beds, and he had a lot of fun looking at all the toys, treats and leads.

Thank you to all the parents who gave up their morning to help us - we wouldn't have been able to go without you - and to Pets at Home for making us feel so welcome.


  1. Hi year one

    What a fantastic day you had meeting all the different animals , I bet you learnt a lot about how to look after all these pets,

    Miss Wilding

  2. I hope you had lots of fun seeing all the pets at one place.i remember when we were in year 1 we went with Mr Ellis and felt really good touching dese pets.i like the picture of Max the dog feeling comfy in the bed..

    By Zainab M Year 2
