Friday, 13 February 2015

Which material is the best at soaking up liquid?

Last week we did some Science work to help Discovery Dog. He needed to find a good material to mop up a mess that Naughty Nora had made on the kitchen floor.

First of all we made guesses about which materials might be the best. Then we tested our ideas to see whether our guesses were right.

We put some blue food colouring in the water so it would be easier to see. We poured it into a tray and used each of the materials to try and soak it up.

Which one do you think worked the best?


  1. It was lovely to see the science project the we were doing in class
    Asmaa M
    Yr 1

  2. Hi Year One

    Looks like you were having lots of fun with your science project.

    Miss Wilding

  3. Hamil says the sponge worked the best.
