Thursday 15 October 2015

Bean Bag Buckets

We've been LOVING practising our number bonds by playing Bean Bag Buckets. Come and ask us to show you how it's played. It's a lot of fun! 


  1. Great game! Maybe some of you could come and show Reception friends one Friday? I think they would like to play too.
    Miss B

  2. Hi year one

    I would love to learn how to play the Bean Bag Bucket game to practice my number bonds.

    Miss Wilding

  3. We'd love to show you, Miss W. Come to our class and ask us for a game!

    Hope you're having a lovely break.

  4. Only just saw your message, Miss Bunting. Sorry. We'd really like to show our Reception buddies how to play. Let's have a game on that first Friday back at school - we're sure you'll all like it!

    Mr Ellis
